851 to 860 of 874 Results
18 déc. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Rabatel, Julien; Arsevska, Elena; de Goër de Hervé, Jocelyn; Falala, Sylvain; Lancelot, Renaud; Roche, Mathieu, 2017, "PADI-web corpus: news manually labeled", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/KMTIFG, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This dataset contains a set of news articles in English related to animal disease outbreaks, that have been used to evaluate and train the information extraction module of the PADI-web system (http://epia.clermont.inra.fr/vsi). It is composed of 532 articles (in JSON), with infor... |
8 nov. 2017 - UPR GECO
DEPIGNY, Sylvain, 2017, "The 'Plantain-Rejets' dataset: effect of sucker number on production traits of mother-plant", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/KDR0UP, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
The 'Plantain-Rejets' dataset contains growth, development and yield data of 110 plantains (mother-plants and suckers included) every 15 days from planting to mother-plant harvest. Studied variety was Batard, a French horn plantain. The 'Plantain-Rejets' experiment aimed to measu... |
6 nov. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Zenasni, Sarah; Kergosien, Eric; Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne, 2017, "Dic-ES : Liste d'entités spatiales en français", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/LPY080, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Le dictionnaire "dic-ES" est un ensemble de noms de lieux à partir des listes fournies par (1) la métropole de Montpellier (rues, quartiers, etc.) ; (2) la métropole européenne de Lille ; (3) les noms de pays et les capitales de chaque pays. Le dictionnaire contient également une... |
10 oct. 2017 - UMR ART-Dev
Apithy Leïla; Sourisseau Jean-Michel; Guyard Stéphane; Bouard Séverine; Passouant Michel; Bélières Jean-François, 2017, "Agriculture des tribus de Nouvelle-Calédonie", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/VWWVXU, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
Pour appréhender le rôle essentiel du travail de la terre, et des activités de prélèvement (pêche et chasse) dans l'économie des tribus en Nouvelle Calédonie une enquête représentative de l'ensemble du territoire, jusqu'à un niveau de 10 unités territoriales au sein des 3 provinc... |
4 oct. 2017
Inscrite de façon prioritaire dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales, l’unité ART-Dev associe plus d’une centaine de membres, dont une cinquantaine d’universitaires et de chercheurs, ainsi qu’une cinquantaine de doctorants. L’unité privilégie les approches interdisciplin... |
19 sept. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne; Shrivastava, Gaurav, 2017, "Valorcarn-TETIS: Terms extracted with Biotex", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/PGQGQL, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Text-Mining: Terms extracted with Biotex tool (http://tubo.lirmm.fr/biotex) from "Valorcarn Corpus" (http://dx.doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/7YTQGQ). -- Valorcarn Project (2015-2017) [project supported by GloFoodS program (INRA-Cirad)]. Topic: Mining of scientific documents for identific... |
19 sept. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne; Shrivastava, Gaurav, 2017, "Valorcarn-TETIS: Terms extracted with Rake", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/YGYL3W, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Text-Mining: Terms extracted with Rake tool (https://github.com/aneesha/RAKE) from "Valorcarn Corpus" (http://dx.doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/7YTQGQ). Valorcarn Project (2015-2017) [project supported by GloFoodS program (INRA-Cirad)]. Mining of scientific documents for identification of... |
19 sept. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne; Shrivastava, Gaurav, 2017, "Valorcarn-TETIS: Fusion of terms extracted with Biotex and Fastr", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/CFBIYD, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Text-Mining: Fusion of terms extracted with Biotex and Fastr from "Valorcarn Corpus" (http://dx.doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/7YTQGQ). -- Valorcarn Project (2015-2017) [project supported by GloFoodS program (INRA-Cirad)]. Topic: Mining of scientific documents for identification of proces... |
19 sept. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne; Shrivastava, Gaurav, 2017, "Valorcarn-TETIS: Variations of terms extracted with Fastr (driven extraction)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/LPBHWP, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Text mining: Extraction of variations of term extraction. Input: (1) list of terms, (2) corpus ("Valorcarn Corpus" - http://dx.doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/7YTQGQ) For instance, with "biltong samples", we obtain "biltong spice sample", "samples to produce biltong", etc. -- Valorcarn Pro... |
19 sept. 2017 - UMR TETIS
Roche, Mathieu; Teisseire, Maguelonne; Shrivastava, Gaurav, 2017, "Valorcarn-TETIS: Semantic groups of terms", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/0WEHKT, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Text-Mining: The extracted terms are gathered according the head (first and last words) (e‧g. (1) food consumption / food pathogen / food preservation, (2) spoiled biltong / venison biltong / wet biltong, and so forth. -- Valorcarn Project (2015-2017) [project supported by GloFoo... |