1 to 10 of 90 Results
23 oct. 2024UMR ASTRE
SEA-dog-SEA is a multi-disciplinary project associating ecology, epidemiology and social sciences in order to better understand and manage the transmission of dog-associated zoonotic pathogesn in SE Asia. The project focuses on the ecological and anthropic drivers of dog movement... |
1 oct. 2024UMR EcoFoG
Mechanistic traits to predict shifts in tree species abundance and distribution with climate change in the Amazonian forest. |
8 août 2024UMR EcoFoG
This DataVerse gathers the plant traits collected and/or treated in the EcoFoG laboratories. |
6 août 2024UMR AGAP Institut
This database was developed by Cirad in the framework of Work Package 1 (Genetic and functional bases of root architectural traits under abiotic stress) of the EURoot project "Enhancing resource uptake from roots under stress in cereal crops". As such, this work received funding... |
6 août 2024UMR AGAP Institut
The TropGeneDB CIRAD information system contains various kinds of data on tropical and mediterranean plants : marker, QTL, genotype, genetic, phenotype, cartography (genetic, physical and linkage disequilibrium maps), linkage disequilibrium, association and germplasm. The plants... |
4 juil. 2024UPR Forêts et Sociétés
Archivage des données historiques de l'UR dont les données de dispositifs, d'inventaires et d'essais sylvicoles. Datasets non publiables en l'état |
11 janv. 2024UMR QualiSud
RTB (Roots, Tubers and Bananas) is a partnership collaboration of five research centers, led by the International Potato Center, with decades of experience in these crops on different continents, including four CGIAR research centers (Bioversity International, the International C... |
7 déc. 2023
La DiscO au Cirad La Délégation à l'information scientifique et à la science ouverte (DiscO) développe des produits et services pour accompagner les collectifs du Cirad dans l'accès aux ressources documentaires, l'analyse d'information, la publication, la gestion des données de r... |