Agroecological Practices to reduce wEED infestAtion In the tropicS
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1 to 10 of 33 Results
8 févr. 2023
Christina Mathias; Auzoux, Sandrine; Mansuy, Alizé, 2023, "Experimental dataset on root impact density in sugarcane legume intercropping and weed-covered systems in a plant crop in Reunion Island",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:eUI5QTFeraEXqfg8Ze7sOA== [fileUNF]
Understanding the belowground interaction in multi-species intercropping agrosytems is critical to improve the sustainability of agriculture. This study aims to assess the sugarcane root growth and distribution in intercropping with legume and weeds in the inter-row. Root growth...
16 nov. 2022
Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine; Christina, Mathias; Roche, Mathieu, 2022, "Experimental dataset for mapping researcher variables from service plant trials to AEGIS dictionary variables",, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
The experimental dataset consists of 3 files that include the list of variables from service plant trials described by the researchers, the list of variables from the AEGIS variable dictionary, and the list of matches between the previous 2 lists.
6 sept. 2022
Chetty, Julien; Racoute, Anthony; Mansuy, Alizé; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilde; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2020-2021) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:ztSBD1SjBTyxSWEbQ2Tv4Q== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Racoute, Anthony; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilde; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2019-2020) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:Ca+e7yqQyBo3zZ9JIm/u7g== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Racoute, Anthony; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilide; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2018-2019) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:kS+BwdTwzj+ADJ+iPnzhfg== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Racoute, Anthony; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilide; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2017-2018) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:bDkQM5+7R5GZ3otixucd9w== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Racoute, Anthony; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilide; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2016-2017) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:NQl7C7E/3RPC7SEyYNVzQg== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Racoute, Anthony; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilde; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2015-2016) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:i2L1ArhKZ0xUgrarZ2NJ2Q== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Mansuy, Alizé; Labrunie, Thomas; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilde; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2014-2015) - P41 Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:ek8t/HAdzmRVaWZE0eN+aA== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
6 sept. 2022
Chetty, Julien; Anthony Racoute; Mansuy, Alizé; Christina, Mathias; Soulé, Mathilde; Ngaba, Billy; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2022, "Experimental dataset on the use of cover crops for weed control in sugarcane at La Mare (2019-2020) - P25_Montagne Trial - CanecoH project",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:5WYLXPxO1QfZHl9eJiYAXw== [fileUNF]
The CanecoH project (sugarcane without herbicides) is experimenting and testing alternative weed control practices on Reunion Island to reduce the use of phytopharmaceutical products. The project is based on the redesign of sugarcane systems. A "zero herbicide" system is also bei...
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