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101 to 110 of 726 Results
Gzip Archive - 139,0 MB - MD5: b4aef3488bbd5dc6e3d3d66687c75cdf
Dataraster data
Land Cover Map - Raster TIF format // EPSG code (projection) : 32738
Gzip Archive - 175,0 MB - MD5: 754c959ca519e426421b0ef87ce97cf4
Datavector data
Land Cover Map - Esri Shape format // EPSG code (projection) : 32738
6 mars 2024
Rumiano, Florent; Tran, Annelise; Degenne, Pascal; Dufleit, Victor; Caron, Alexandre; Miguel, Eve, 2023, "Spatial models of animal mobility: buffalo and cattle in Southern Africa", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/T8DX7U, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
A spatial model of animal mobility has been developed for buffalo and cattle at the interface between protected areas and rural communal lands in southern Africa. It simulates the movements of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) and domestic cattle (Bos taurus, Bos indicus)...
Gzip Archive - 62,4 MB - MD5: c35200c5680375204bb474d1fae28bde
Ocelet codes and instructions
4 mars 2024
Dupuy, Stéphane; Lainé, Gérard; Tassin, Jacques; Sarrailh, Jean-Michel, 2019, "Mayotte - Typologie des espaces boisés - 2010 - (donnée brute)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/CTZX7T, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
Typologie des espaces boisés réalisées par le Cirad - UMR TETIS et UPR Forêts et Sociétés (Consortium AGRIFORT Consult) pour le compte du Conseil Général de Mayotte. Cette carte est issue d'une classification orientée objet et utilise des MNS et MNT issus d’acquisitions LiDAR eff...
Gzip Archive - 177,4 MB - MD5: 16c34bfbf1973e01b62601d328fa6b70
Datavector data
Land Cover Map - Esri Shape format // EPSG code (projection) : 32738
29 févr. 2024
Dufleit, Victor; Lecat, Lucie; Bonnal, Vincent; Degenne, Pascal; Tran, Annelise; Cattan, Philippe, 2024, "Pesticide itineraries and active substance databases, Guadeloupe", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/E4UNIU, CIRAD Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:oa7wu4SBjz781dF8ava2xA== [fileUNF]
To study the impact of pesticide uses in agriculture on human health, data were collected to represent the spatial dynamics of pesticide uses over time: i) a database of agricultural practices regarding the use of pesticides and their evolution over 50 years for the main three gr...
Plain Text - 1,2 KB - MD5: b2ef8d2cd0e07e44dec0e8d3ed36d721
Description of fields in the PesticideApplication table
Tab-Separated Values - 26,7 KB - MD5: 749dc545c346f84f694946d7e9b7321f
Pesticide application table (tsv format)
Tab-Separated Values - 1,1 KB - MD5: b875adc37f08c5d7c9404191787802f6
Pesticide itineraries table (tsv format)
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