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4 mars 2024
Dupuy, Stéphane; Lainé, Gérard; Tassin, Jacques; Sarrailh, Jean-Michel, 2019, "Mayotte - Typologie des espaces boisés - 2010 - (donnée brute)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/CTZX7T, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
Typologie des espaces boisés réalisées par le Cirad - UMR TETIS et UPR Forêts et Sociétés (Consortium AGRIFORT Consult) pour le compte du Conseil Général de Mayotte. Cette carte est issue d'une classification orientée objet et utilise des MNS et MNT issus d’acquisitions LiDAR eff...
7 août 2022
Valentin Sarah; De Waele Valérie; Vilain Aline; Arsevska Elena; Lancelot Renaud; Roche Mathieu, 2019, "Annotation of epidemiological information in animal disease-related news articles: guidelines and manually labelled corpus", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/YGAKNB, CIRAD Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:H+qzG30RSQ4fWYYA2UBwEQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains two files: (i) An annotated corpus ("epi_info_corpus‧xlsx") containing 486 manually annotated sentences extracted from 32 animal disease-related news articles. These news articles were obtained from the database of an event-based biosurveillance system dedic...
28 août 2020
Tran, Annelise; Fall, Assane Gueye; Biteye, Biram; Ciss, Mamadou; Gimonneau, Geoffrey; Castets, Mathieu; Seck, Momar Talla; Chevalier, Véronique, 2019, "Sénégal - Distribution spatiale de moustiques vecteurs de la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift, 2014-2016", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/IQ2J1L, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
Couches géographiques issues d'un modèle de dynamique de population de moustiques appliqué à trois espèces vectrices de la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift au Sénégal : Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans, Culex (Culex) poicilipes et Culex (Culex) tritaeniorhynchus (2014-2016). Format Shapefil...
9 avr. 2020
Dupuy, Stéphane; Defrise, Laurence; Burnod, Perrine, 2019, "Antananarivo - Madagascar - Land use change map between 2003 and 2017", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/VQZZI0, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
Land use map, in ESRI shapefile format, displaying the evolution of artificial spaces in Antananarivo agglomeration (Madagascar capital) during 2003 to 2017 period. This map is the result of remote sensing processing of satellite images. Spot5 images acquired on February 14 and J...
26 mars 2020
Dupuy, Stéphane; Defrise, Laurence; Gaetano, Raffaele; Burnod, Perrine, 2019, "Antananarivo - 2017 Land cover map", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/NHE34C, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
The map proposed here is a key data to understand urban agriculture’s dynamics in relation to urbanization in Antananarivo agglomeration and agriculture’s contribution to the city food system while debates are ongoing to update Antananarivo city master plan. This land cover map w...
12 mars 2020
Sautot, Lucile; Chraibi, Eric; Fize, Jacques; Lentschat, Martin; Cernesson, Flavie; Journaux, Ludovic; Peillet Sébastien, 2019, "Grand Débat National - Données enrichies", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/ZRTW02, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
[FR] Ces données agrègent : - les contributions libres déposées sur la plateforme en ligne http://granddebat.fr relatives à la question de la transition écologique, - les annotations de ces contributions réalisées sur la plateforme en ligne https://grandeannotation.fr, - l'extrac...
23 janv. 2020
Tran, Annelise; Mangeas, Morgan; Demarchi, Marie; Roux, Emmanuel; Degenne, Pascal; Herbreteau, Vincent; Dehecq, Jean-Sébastien, 2019, "ALBORUN - Modèle de la dynamique de population des moustiques Aedes albopictus à la Réunion", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/XF2I3L, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
[FR] ALBORUN est un modèle de la dynamique de population des moustiques Aedes albopictus, développé à l'Ile de la Réunion. Il a été développé avec le langage métier Ocelet, langage dédié à la modélisation de dynamiques spatiales doté d'un environnement de développement de modèles...
8 janv. 2020
Dupuy, Stéphane; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, "Reunion island - 2017, Land cover map (Pleiades)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/RTAEHK, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
As part of THEIA (the French Data and Services center for continental surfaces) CIRAD's TETIS research unit is developing an automated mapping method based on the Moringa chain that minimizes interactions with users by automating most image analysis and processing. The methodolog...
20 déc. 2019
Lebourgeois, Valentine; Dupuy, Stéphane; Vintrou, Élodie; Ameline, Maël; Butler, Suzanne; Bégué, Agnès, 2019, "Antsirabe, Madagascar - 2015, land cover map", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/8T3UJE, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This work was conducted before the launch of ESA Sentinel-2 mission, which images are particularly adapted to crop monitoring and characterization thanks to their high spatial (10 – 60m) and temporal (5 days) resolutions. We worked with Landsat-8 and Spot5 images to create a time...
29 nov. 2019
Laurence, Defrise; Andriamanga, Valérie; Rasoamalala, Eloise; Dupuy, Stéphane; Burnod, Perrine, 2019, "Antananarivo - Madagascar - 2017, Land use reference spatial database", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/5TZOOW, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
This vector format database (ESRI shape format) is made up of field surveys carried out during the end of the 2017 rainy season (March to April) which corresponds to the peak of the growing season. Study area is Antananarivo city, capital of Madagascar. GPS points were collected...
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