L’UMR PVBMT élabore des méthodes innovantes de lutte contre les ravageurs, les maladies et les adventices des agrosystèmes, mais aussi de nouveaux modes de conservation des milieux forestiers indigènes. Les recherches et les formations associées de l’unité concernent la protection des cultures tropicales et la préservation de la biodiversité des écosystèmes terrestres. L'unité est accueillie au sein des laboratoires du Pôle de protection des plantes (3P) de Saint-Pierre, à la Réunion. L'UMR est sous la tutelle du Cirad et de l'Université de La Réunion.

UMR PVBMT research focus areas are the development of innovative integrated pest management methods and the elaboration of conservation and restoration programs of terrestrial ecosystems. The UMR is hosted at the Pôle de protection des plantes (3P) in Saint-Pierre, Réunion island. UMR PVBMT is under the tutelage of Cirad and Université de La Réunion.
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61 to 70 of 109 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 179,0 KB - MD5: b46cc56c40c6d7791e61b5780b3bbaca
Plant inventory along a short elevational gradient in the savanna Cap La Houssaye
MS Word - 27,0 KB - MD5: ec5b32bfe48668011b8600aba694bd14
Dataset description and metadata
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 35,5 KB - MD5: 7403c32d16170478f4be2276c9f308cb
Transects' description and localisation
Tabular Data - 198 B - 1 Variables, 2 Observations - UNF:6:1p0ykECkn3WdnsPRYtMIrg==
Soil analyses
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 33,0 KB - MD5: 6f8674f08d374c7292eef1e5b8c3ff37
Taxonomical referential of the savanna plants
15 avr. 2021
Université de La Réunion, 2021, "Herbier Universitaire de la Réunion", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/PLELFQ, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
The Herbier Universitaire de la Réunion is a scientific collection registered in the international Index Herbariorum as REU herbarium. The Herbier Universitaire de la Réunion consists of more than 20,000 dry specimens, over 1,000 specimens in spirit collection and about 500 speci...
30 déc. 2020
Andriamihaja, F. Cathucia; Ramarosandratana, Aro Vonjy; Grisoni, Michel; Jeannoda, Vololoniaina; Besse, Pascale, 2020, "Raw data for Andriamihaja et al. 2021. Drivers of population divergence and species differentiation in a recent group of indigenous orchids (Vanilla spp.) in Madagascar", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/GWXWCB, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Raw data from the genotyping of 7 microsatellite loci from 611 samples of leafless Vanilla species and from morphological measurement from 198 samples of leafless Vanilla flowers used in Andriamihaja et al., 2021, Drivers of population divergence and species differentiation in a...
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