L’unité GECO développe des recherches en agroécologie fonctionnelle et mobilise ces connaissances au service d’une démarche d’innovation en partenariat pour améliorer la durabilité environnementale, économique et sociale des systèmes agricoles à base de bananiers ou d’ananas. In fine, ses recherches visent à accompagner la transition agroécologique des monocultures intensives (bananes, ananas), et également à contribuer à l’émergence de systèmes de culture résilients, aux performances agronomiques améliorées, afin de contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire des pays du Sud (bananes plantains).
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11 to 20 of 22 Results
24 mai 2022
Rapetti, Manon, 2022, "A dataset on agronomic traits of 12 Cavendish cultivars in four contrasted cropping conditions (non-limiting, severe deleafing, low nitrogen, severe deleafing + low nitrogen), in Guadeloupe", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/J4MT4P, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:9Me2vrvpSn/akJJYb/1Ehg== [fileUNF]
This dataset describes 12 Cavendish cultivars, in four elementary plots, for their agronomic performances: yield component, morphology, bunch characteristics and fruit quality. All the measurements were performed on two crop cycles, 15 repetitions per cultivar and per elementary...
24 mai 2022
Rapetti, Manon, 2021, "A dataset on agronomic traits of 12 Cavendish cultivars in Guadeloupe: morphology, biomass, growth, bunch characteristics and root system", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/2GVORV, CIRAD Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:fji4DHcR0A7ioze4pv5Yyg== [fileUNF]
This dataset describes 12 Cavendish cultivars for their phenology, their morphology, their biomass and their bunch characteristics and their root system architecture. Except for the root traits, all measurements were performed on two crop cycles and 10 repetitions per cultivar an...
16 févr. 2022
El Jaouhari, Meryem; Coulis, Mathieu, 2022, "Jeu de données sur l'abondance des invertébrés du sol en fonction des pratiques agricoles dans les bananeraies de Martinique", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/FBZYCT, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:4ZfUCPdUHjpM4MGgv3VJeg== [fileUNF]
[FR] Jeu de données sur l'abondance des invertébrés du sol collectés entre le 24/03/2018 et le 21/06/2018 dans des bananeraies, des forêts et des jachères enherbées de Martinique. 250 prélèvements ont été réalisés dans 25 parcelles à l'aide de quadrats de 25 x 25 cm. La litière a...
25 oct. 2021
Moisan, Léa, 2021, "A dataset on scientific articles dealing with plant cover in rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) cropping systems", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/IOELH1, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
This dataset present the compilation of 72 scientific articles dealing with the use of covers in rubber tree plantations. These articles were selected following a review of litterature performed with the Web of Science, CAB abstract, Google Scholar, and some personnal communicati...
8 juin 2021
Carval Dominique, 2021, "A dataset on occurence of ants and abundance of Dermaptera and banana weevils in bare soil and cover croppped banana plantations in Martinique", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/CMYEVA, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
The dataset corresponds to a 3-years survey of an ant community, Dermaptera, and C. sordidus in bare soil and cover cropped banana fields in Martinique.
11 mai 2021
Coulis, Mathieu, 2021, "Abundance, biomass and community composition of soil saprophagous macrofauna in conventional and organic sugarcane fields of Martinique_2015", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/FQE6NL, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:wvZXAh9R0VFFAzjtb1Rndg== [fileUNF]
Ce jeu de données contient les données d'abondance et de biomasse de macroinvertébrés saprophages collectés dans les sols de 11 champs de canne à sucre en Martinique. Deux méthodes complémentaires ont été utilisées pour l'échantillonnage : (i) la méthode des quadras de sol suivie...
10 juin 2020
DAMOUR Gaëlle, 2020, "A dataset on above- and below-ground traits of 17 cover crops, two wild plant species and two banana cultivars, cultivated individually", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/HIEXNF, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
This dataset describes 21 species of cover crops (17 sp.), wild plant species (2 sp.) and bananas (2 sp.), each repeated four times and cultivated individually under non-limiting conditions, on 16m² plots. Data were acquired at flowering (annuals with short cycle) or after six mo...
13 mai 2020
DAMOUR Gaëlle, 2020, "A dataset on phenotypic characteristics of cover crops grown in population", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/EZPGCP, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This dataset describes 33 species or varieties of cover crops cultivated in population under optimal conditions, at flowering. We measured 41 variables on leaves, stems, roots and seeds. They related to plant phenology, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, size and reproduction....
5 déc. 2019
DAMOUR Gaëlle, 2019, "A Dataset on early growth of cover crops in growth chamber", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/MNMXRZ, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
This dataset describes the early growth of cover crop cultivated in growth chamber under non-limiting conditions. Seventeen species of four botanical groups were described after one month of growth. Traits related to plant growth and leaf area development were measured (five trai...
12 sept. 2018
Dépigny, Sylvain; Djomessi Talla, Médard; Ngando Essomé, David; Bonneviot, Pauline, 2018, "Hybride 'K74' de type "plantain-like" : première caractérisation agronomique au Cameroun", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/PBFILQ, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:GPq4/UaioYU+Mz6iNI8GOA== [fileUNF]
Données agronomiques (croissance, développement et rendement) issues du premier essai de caractérisation agronomique de l'hybride 'K74' sur la station du CARBAP au Cameroun. Comparaison de 2 itinéraires techniques : conduite agronomique traditionnelle versus conduite agronomique...
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