L’unité GECO développe des recherches en agroécologie fonctionnelle et mobilise ces connaissances au service d’une démarche d’innovation en partenariat pour améliorer la durabilité environnementale, économique et sociale des systèmes agricoles à base de bananiers ou d’ananas. In fine, ses recherches visent à accompagner la transition agroécologique des monocultures intensives (bananes, ananas), et également à contribuer à l’émergence de systèmes de culture résilients, aux performances agronomiques améliorées, afin de contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire des pays du Sud (bananes plantains).
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151 to 160 of 230 Results
Tabular Data - 93,5 KB - 25 Variables, 714 Observations - UNF:6:hRuCpCo0OycZhXd1iTlWjw==
Dataset on yield components of 12 Cavendish cultivars, during the first crop cycle after planting
Tabular Data - 104,5 KB - 29 Variables, 714 Observations - UNF:6:Fd5XvIFJFFHeXp1MSnN/5w==
Dataset on yield components of 12 Cavendish cultivars, during the second crop cycle after planting
24 mai 2022
Rapetti, Manon, 2021, "A dataset on agronomic traits of 12 Cavendish cultivars in Guadeloupe: morphology, biomass, growth, bunch characteristics and root system", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/2GVORV, CIRAD Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:fji4DHcR0A7ioze4pv5Yyg== [fileUNF]
This dataset describes 12 Cavendish cultivars for their phenology, their morphology, their biomass and their bunch characteristics and their root system architecture. Except for the root traits, all measurements were performed on two crop cycles and 10 repetitions per cultivar an...
Tabular Data - 1,6 KB - 4 Variables, 28 Observations - UNF:6:7sGGqDeXELnBb02vaFjw6Q==
Captions of "data_Cav_cult_NC"
Tabular Data - 64,3 KB - 28 Variables, 228 Observations - UNF:6:NmYEV5Vj3Ogz6n38OW/Vcg==
Morphological, phenological and agronomic data of 12 Cavendish cultivars on 2 crops cycles
Tabular Data - 970 B - 4 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:FWGaJg1WCIBTVoTnhi51Cg==
Captions of "data_Cav_root"
Tabular Data - 8,6 KB - 18 Variables, 37 Observations - UNF:6:CqhRBU0tacrgR0L8nzSpnA==
Root traits of 12 Cavendish cultivars on one crop cycle
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