181 to 190 of 191 Results
15 oct. 2018
Vieilledent, Ghislain; Grinand, Clovis; Rakotomalala, Fety A.; Ranaivosoa, Rija; Rakotoarijaona, Jean-Roger; Allnutt, Thomas F.; Achard, Frédéric, 2018, "Code for: Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar.", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/275TDF, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This dataset includes the code used in the following article: Vieilledent G., C. Grinand, F. A. Rakotomalala, R. Ranaivosoa, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, T. F. Allnutt, and F. Achard. 2018. Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six d... |
ZIP Archive - 4,2 MB -
MD5: 73bf660f86a938e20c363f3c6760c80d
Unzip to access all files |
15 oct. 2018
Vieilledent, Ghislain; Grinand, Clovis; Rakotomalala, Fety A.; Ranaivosoa, Rija; Rakotoarijaona, Jean-Roger; Allnutt, Thomas F.; Achard, Frédéric, 2018, "Input data for: Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar.", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/2FP7LR, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This dataset includes input data used in the following article: Vieilledent G., C. Grinand, F. A. Rakotomalala, R. Ranaivosoa, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, T. F. Allnutt, and F. Achard. 2018. Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six... |
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 507,9 MB -
MD5: 2ff23d507c57b09c6074dba715ab41b9
Unzip to access all files |
28 sept. 2018
Vieilledent, Ghislain; Fischer, Fabian Jörg; Chave, Jérôme; Guibal, Daniel; Langbour, Patrick; Gérard, Jean, 2018, "Code and data for: New formula and conversion factor to compute basic wood density of tree species using a global wood technology database.", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/KRVF0E, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This dataset includes the R script, data and results associated to the following scientific article: Vieilledent G., F. J. Fischer, J. Chave, D. Guibal, P. Langbour and J. Gérard. 2018. New formula and conversion factor to compute basic wood density of tree species using a global... |
28 sept. 2018 -
Code and data for: New formula and conversion factor to compute basic wood density of tree species using a global wood technology database.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 1,8 MB -
MD5: 91cdd7db269c9060cc4654e9c21bcb89
Unzip to access all files, including the Cirad wood density database (CWDD). |
26 mars 2018
Ligot, Gauthier; Gourlet-Fleury, Sylvie; Ouédraogo, Dakis-Yaoba; Morin, Xavier; Bauwens, Sébastien; Baya, Fidèle; Brostaux, Yves; Doucet, Jean-Louis; Fayolle, Adeline, 2018, "Data and code for the publication entitled "The limited contribution of large trees to annual biomass production in an old-growth tropical forest"", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/8T4XTV, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
This archive contains all the necessary data and R script to reproduce the results of the manuscript entitled "The limited contribution of large trees to annual biomass production in an old-growth tropical forest" published in Ecological Application journal. It includes three csv... |
Comma Separated Values - 71,8 KB -
MD5: 2d9639cb454f921e945a60f8b898d951
Initial stand structure, biomass stocks, and biomass dynamics for each 0.25-ha subplot |
Comma Separated Values - 343,8 KB -
MD5: b025574263aa8774775f6ce872f2b2fa
Initial biomass stocks, and biomass dynamics for each diameter class and 0.25-ha subplot |
Comma Separated Values - 4,2 KB -
MD5: 8f17139cfc1566a1ca2662b310a3ff8d
Summary table at the plot level |