L’UMR CBGP – Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations – a pour vocation de comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent l’évolution de populations d'organismes importants pour l’agronomie, les forêts, la santé humaine ou la conservation de la biodiversité. Les recherches portent sur des modèles biologiques et sont développées selon six axes : origine et caractérisation de la biodiversité ; adaptation des phytophages, de leurs ennemis naturels et de leurs symbiontes ; écologie et évolution des zoonoses ; biologie, écologie et évolution des espèces envahissantes ; génomique statistique et évolutive des populations ; approches moléculaires et bioinformatiques haut débit. Nos tutelles sont l'INRAE, le CIRAD, l'IRD et l'Institut Agro-Montpellier.

UMR CBGP – Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations – aims to understand the mechanisms that govern populations of organisms that are important to agriculture, forest, human health and biodiversity conservation. Studies concern biological models and follow six lines of research: origin and characterization of biodiversity; adaptation of plant eaters, their natural enemies and symbionts; ecology and evolution of zoonoses; biology, ecology and evolution of invasive species; statistical and evolutionary population genomics; and high-throughput molecular and bioinformatics techniques. Our supervising bodies are INRAE, CIRAD, IRD and Institut Agro-Montpellier.
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121 to 130 of 148 Results
Unknown - 4,5 KB - MD5: 96e2e5632f844ff9c5bc92bc230acdad
Part of nlogo source code. The setup of the sterile males and the number that will be released in each orchard.
Unknown - 2,3 KB - MD5: ff779fc8110f1c98b277a76a4d4b1b03
Part of Nlogo source code. The setup of the different stages of the fly and their location in the orchards.
Comma Separated Values - 11,9 KB - MD5: 473c2d58d64de9e0a7d05217d4cd8a69
Temperature and fruit availability input data
23 sept. 2021
CHAPUIS, Marie-Pierre; PELISSIE, Benjamin; PIOU, Cyril; JOURDAN-PINEAU, Hélène, 2021, "Original data for "Chapuis et al., 2021. Additive genetic variance for traits least related to fitness increases with environmental stress in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Ecology and Evolution, 11: 13930-13947."", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/S735JB, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Phenotypic and pedigree data and R scripts for analyses (v. 4.0.4).
Plain Text - 78,2 KB - MD5: 86fc14b1f49806508fba558f90a83beb
Phenotypic measurements for the 483 desert locust individuals surveyed at the 4th laboratory generation (i.e., the half-sib/full-sib families)
Plain Text - 14,3 KB - MD5: a64c68333f6d14867d5896772ee5bc24
Four-generation pedigree data, including the 4th generation half-sib/full-sib families (for phenotypic measurements) and the three prior generations (for environmental standardization within laboratory)
R Syntax - 27,0 KB - MD5: 2b4af3891d5e7acf4736f892d6360f97
R script to run (1) quantitative genetic analyses on the 10 traits data measured in the 264 desert locust individuals and (2) simulation analysis of the statistical power of our quantitative genetics analysis
R Syntax - 13,5 KB - MD5: 1eae8a93a71b014ba9e946088c6195cb
R script to run phenotypic analyses on the 10 traits data measured in the 264 desert locust individuals
20 janv. 2021
GAY, Pierre-Emmanuel; PIOU, Cyril, 2021, "Multi-agent model ALMMAS 1.5: source code", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/M7PDP8, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Multi-agent model ALMMAS 1.5 source code for NetLogo (v. 6.1.1)
text/nlogo - 123,1 KB - MD5: d2d16dc4f3082d2389a66a1aedc3ad39
Suitable for Netlogo 6.1.1
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