51 to 60 of 222 Results
30 nov. 2020
Marnotte, Pascal; Seidel, Marine; Vial, Valentin; Le Bourgeois, Thomas; Auzoux, Sandrine, 2020, "Weed survey in different cropping systems in Mayotte island (2019-2020)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/VUFFWE, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:+TrUqGDYiWD1LaTL83OE8Q== [fileUNF]
Study of weed communities composition and abundance in different cropping systems (tubers, orchards, pastures, food crops) of the Mayotte island. 2019-2020. Abundance scale notation 1-9. This dataset covers 476 plant surveys for 164 weed species. |
Plain Text - 718 B -
MD5: 472f3410604af6ba057e058f3e81fab9
Plain Text - 161,4 KB -
MD5: 9102911bfc442a24131669d974e22636
Tabular Data - 804 B - 5 Variables, 25 Observations - UNF:6:+TrUqGDYiWD1LaTL83OE8Q==
Plain Text - 82,9 KB -
MD5: cf5669c963b3b277c5e8da50279d7d35
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MD5: 169be37370bb0e3bfef95adcbe1cafe3
21 oct. 2020
Le Bourgeois, Thomas; Auzoux, Sandrine; Marnotte, Pascal; Fayolle, Benjamin, 2020, "Weed survey in cotton rotation in Northern Cameroon (1988-1992)", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/5ZEQGO, CIRAD Dataverse, V5, UNF:6:n5J9jPUqtOOhe0reHcRjHw== [fileUNF]
Characterization of weed communities in cotton rotation (cotton, maiz, sorghum, groundnut) in Northern Cameroon, within the framework of the Projet FAC Regional Malherbologie Garoua Cameroun. Phytoecological study in abundance scale 1-5 transformed to scale 1-9. This dataset cove... |
Plain Text - 172,2 KB -
MD5: 85026da087e29f3e92c303898a43f9f9
Tabular Data - 954 B - 7 Variables, 26 Observations - UNF:6:n5J9jPUqtOOhe0reHcRjHw==
Plain Text - 189,4 KB -
MD5: af6ac047512cc79e9e803b8e30b64232