L'UMR AMAP ( BotAnique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des végétations ) est une unité interdisciplinaire qui travaille à l'acquisition de connaissances fondamentales sur les plantes et les végétations dans le but de prévoir la réponse des écosystèmes aux forçages environnementaux, en termes de distribution/conservation des espèces et de la biodiversité, production des cultures agronomiques, stockage du carbone dans la biomasse végétale, protection de l'environnement et des services écosystèmiques.

AMAP joint research unit (French acronym UMR) is an interdisciplinary laboratory that conducts basic research on plants and plant communities with the aim of predicting ecosystems responses to environmental forcing, in terms of the distribution/conservation of species and biodiversity, crop production, carbon storage in plant biomass, protection of the environment and the provision of ecosystem services.
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20 déc. 2023
Momo Takoudjou, Stéphane; Peynaud, Emilie, 2021, "Cocoa tree point clouds obtained by terrestrial Lidar scanning in agroforestry systems in Cameroon", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/5HZB1F, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
This data set concerns a total of 55 cocoa trees grown in cocoa based agroforestry systems from Central region of Cameroon. The data collection campaign was carried out in the district of Bokito (4°34 latitude N and 11°07 longitude E), in the village of Yorro located in a forest-...
Plain Text - 2,9 KB - MD5: 0512c230965c852a43834c721ebd3309
Details the contents of the zip files.
ZIP Archive - 435,6 MB - MD5: 8b20783c5a247afd3da5c2ca2aea1e00
Archive containing the ASCII files that store the point clouds of each tree as a whole.
ZIP Archive - 209,5 MB - MD5: c08836dddfa0e2dd71814084817a1c1d
Archive containing the files that store the point clouds of trees segmented into leaves and wood.
26 mai 2023
Vieilledent, Ghislain, 2021, "Code for: Spatial scenario of tropical deforestation and carbon emissions for the 21st century", https://doi.org/10.18167/DVN1/7N2BTU, CIRAD Dataverse, V5, UNF:6:3ixUzws0EDffXVdSfjBtAw== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes the code used to produce the results of the following scientific article: Vieilledent G., C. Vancutsem, C. Bourgoin, P. Ploton, P. Verley and F. Achard. Spatial scenario of tropical deforestation and carbon emissions for the 21st century. bioRxiv. doi: 10.11...
Unknown - 28,4 KB - MD5: bfea9b71af145a0f8e70218e74ea8d39
Unknown - 16,7 KB - MD5: 8c6660aa68befb1b9803c3b943f6a4e0
Unknown - 7,8 KB - MD5: 865567eec12dbdb8115b19c86c628b3b
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