31 to 40 of 90 Results
21 juin 2022UMR QualiSud
RTBfoods project: Breeding RTB products for end user preferences The RTBfoods project is implemented with five partner countries: Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Uganda. It analyzes three common uses of each target root, tuber and banana crops (cassava, yam, sweet potat... |
21 juin 2022
QualiSud a pour objectif de développer une démarche intégrée pour la production et la préservation de produits et d'aliments de qualité organoleptique, sanitaire et nutritionnelle optimales. |
23 mai 2022UMR ASTRE
Ebola virus disease capacity building and surveillance. The project is being implemented in ten countries in West and Central Africa, and is working to strengthen national and regional early detection systems aimed at preventing Ebola virus and other wildlife-related emerging dis... |
9 mai 2022UMR EcoFoG
This research group studies arthropods diversity and distribution across all the natural and urban habitats of French Guiana |
16 févr. 2022
DIversity - Adaptation - plant DEvelopment The DIADE Research Unit aims to understand the diversification of tropical plants, one of the main original reservoirs of biodiversity, and for which conservation, management and exploitation are an important issue for Sustainable Develo... |
12 nov. 2021
Eco&Sols est une unité mixte de recherche de 70 permanents associant l’INRA, l’IRD, Montpellier SupAgro et le Cirad. Les travaux conduits à Eco&Sols ont pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension du rôle des organismes du sol et des plantes, ainsi que des interactions entre eux e... |
26 août 2021UMR EcoFoG
Guyafor network, permanent forest plots for long-term monitoring of French Guiana's forest ecosystems. |
26 août 2021
The Joint Research Unit Ecology of Guianan Forests (EcoFoG) gathers AgroParisTech, INRAE, Cirad, CNRS, the University of the French West Indies and the University of French Guiana. The purpose of the unit is to integrate approaches in ecology and material sciences to understand t... |